Executive leadership implications abound within the following post. Since readers are accomplished, intelligent minds, we’ll let you decide how each “trend and truth” applies to your situation.
Mammon vs. Chicken Little -- “Stay alive until ’05,” a phrase coined during the last recession, will give way to “Let’s get rich in ’06.” Judging from what we’ve seen over the past two quarters, this attitude is beginning to prevail. The only deterrent may be Chicken Little types who remain convinced that the economic sky is falling despite evidence to the contrary. Incredibly, some polls indicate that 43 percent of the general public thinks the economy is in recession, up from 36 percent last year during the presidential campaign. Here’s a clear message: Step up, business leaders and show confidence. Simply rolling over in your own selfish interest is no longer an option.
Stay ahead of the money -- Unprecedented amounts of capital, mainly cash from corporate income sheets and private investors, will continue to be deployed at dizzying rates across new markets that few even thought existed. Look for relatively unknown enterprises to step out and make even more impact in the coming year. Those who stay ahead of versus following the money will enjoy competitive advantage.
Here today, gone tomorrow -- The adage, “go where the business is” will become even more predominant. Stable and long-term business sources will continue to give way to reinvention. Volatility and rapid change aren’t going away anytime soon.
The Corner Office myth -- In a recent profile titled, “The Corner Office,” The New York Times reported at length about how major corporate leaders are no longer solely products of elite universities and institutions. Valid point, flawed premise. If you run across a CEO who hides in a corner office, then please report him or her to the nearest governance authority. Chances are they’re not real and may be missing the biggest point of all: The position isn’t about entirely about THEM. It’s about unlocking the potential of others to achieve great things. Same goes for those who purportedly serve them despite evidence to the contrary. The ones that continue to believe in the Corner Office are the same individuals who cling to the notion that there’s a “seat at the table” waiting for them one day.
One last point: For those who continue to lack courage with adopting point of view on issues beyond what’s directly in front of them, please take a moment to expand your universe. Your constituencies have had enough with platitudes, slang, clichés, B-school babble and other self serving nonsense that tells them nothing beyond what they already know or hear from other sources. Heed the call. Leave the comfort zone. It’s time to lead in a personally genuine and authentic manner.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!