First, however, we have to recognize the grand exceptor, Warren Buffett, for his gift to the Gates Foundation. It is absolutely without compare. Buffett's stamp of leadership was taking the action without much fanfare, while at the same time, demonstrating wit, self awareness and humor.
The lesser mortal CEO crowd unfortunately can't say the same. Whether it's back dating or springing forward options, executive pay hangs around their neck like an albatross. But instead of thinking through various dimensions, some fire back with inane comments such as these: "We have an enterprise that stands tall among corporations here in America...The last thing you want to do is withdraw into a fetal position on some of this stuff."
Fair enough. But leaders don't spit out defensive speak. They calibrate and act according to their audiences' will, which is fed up with single dimensionality. If you don't mean what you say or aren't willing to accept views from a multitude of voices, then shut thy mouth. We won't even go there with politicians. To borrow some Yoda speak, political leadership in an election year, you will not find. Leadership may be a journey. But it's not an bottomless pit where words replace action. Never has, never will.
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