Tuesday, April 23, 2024

All it takes is...

Every now and then, a client subject will achieve the absolute unthinkable when looking for a job -- over time.

Consider profile first and end result a little bit later. Profile: 60+-year-old, consultant and business owner. Expert and longtime worker in telecommunications, which now may be reaching advanced "horse and buggy" status when it comes to true innovation. He's also a Caucasian Man who has seen things from every which way, but the loose.

But that's quite alright. What some companies lack are actual brains, hearts, hands and feet that know how to do things together because they know it through and through. And even if they don't know it, lack of courage will prevent actual progress.

While there may be change in the J-O-B, there isn't as much when it comes to finding a specialized industry expert. Artificial Intelligence (AI) also will be mainstream soon. But not in the form of a human being.

The fact that this type of client, who also became a friend, now will be employed by a major company provides pause. And affirmation that if you never, never give up (Winston Churchill), then victory will happen.

God bless the hiring market -- and this good to great person -- who finally has earned what he deserves. Amen,


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Thanks for continuing to read, JG