Monday, August 30, 2010

'Calmer-in-chief': My language, not theirs

Range of response to publicity never ceases to amaze. Earlier a friend suggested that "I wrote the AJC story." Uh, no, I contributed to the story, which the reporter wrote. Here's a link in case by some small electronic media chance you missed it: And yes, the term "calmer-in-chief" was created precisely for this story (although admittedly we all have read that language before to describe U.S. presidents. Ok well, some of us have.)

There's something larger going on here beyond media foibles. A rapid fire tendency to offer opinion now permeates everything. We're all experts and the media doesn't know anything that we don't already know ourselves. This may be true in some cases, but for the most part, it's a dangerous place to be.

I couldn't have written the Frank Blake CEO story better mainly because I'm not objective nor am I compensated to write feature articles. That's a big difference in consultant/blogging land.

Which brings me back to the beginning: We need deeper feature writing to understand all the rapid fire going on around us. There will always be a market for perspective. Question is who is willing to pay for the need and where do those dollars travel to? Big brand media names? Niches? Bloggers? Twitterers? No one knows.

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