Here are some short bursts, or in this case, the seven tips that will change your capacity to lead forever. Echo chamber drum roll, please.
1.) Community trumps content, or so say the technology sages. Trumps has a little 't' in this reference, btw. Here's what we do know: There's way more content now than community, and most of it is off target, non-specific and creepy, which is defined as content that creeps into our feeds. Here's hoping this piece doesn't find a similar fate. If you're not building real community, no amount of content is going to make desired impact. Thanks to a budding technology sales superstar for presenting a conclusive case on this one.
2.) "A man walks into a bar..." Leave the comedy at home. Only the most advanced speakers and writers can pull off humor, and even then, it's not worth the risk. I've watched too many leaders who thought they were funny bomb miserably at jokes. It's gotten painful to witness.
3.) "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" -- Jack Nicholson, "Few Good Men." Truth is so subjective now that telling the truth to someone who hasn't asked for it is a pointless exercise in futility. Sad but true (damn, there's that word again.) The next board that says it wants truth tellers who represent diverse voices and then proceeds to hire the same old thing has now been put on notice. Truth can't continue to be stranger than fiction.
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Courtesy: Jack Nicholson |
4.) Can the economy get any better? An early stage company leader told his team recently that it "can't get any better," economically speaking. There were commission only sales people staring into space at the time. Be careful with messaging, leaders. Whether things are getting better is highly subjective and generally can be traced directly to take home pay, not all the other nonsense that's now espoused under the guise of culture building or shaping.
5.) Big P and Little P can co-exist despite evidence to the contrary. Big P stands for purpose that makes a difference, while little P is purpose that makes a contribution. According to New York Times best selling author Daniel Pink, the research for his seminal work, "Drive," turned out to be all wrong, or at least that's what he recently told local leadership conference attendees. Rather than striving to always make a difference, most employees want to make a contribution to the bottom line vs. trying to save the world. Keep that in mind the next time you think it's a good idea to rev up the troops by inviting them out to the soup kitchen.
6.) After dealing with change subjects over the past 15+ years, the following conclusion has been etched in stone: If you're unable to change, chances are the pain isn't deep enough, or you're lacking a new dream that can replace the bad one that you've been having. Dr. TGR doesn't prescribe medication so please consider a new vision for a different day. Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. -- Lao Tzu.
7.) Finally an oldie but goodie. First gleaned from a transition client that has since gone on to bigger things. This person liked to quote an old line from the late Paul Brown who achieved Hall of Fame status as the first coach of the Cleveland Browns and then co-founder of the Cincinnati Bengals: "When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less." That wise rule is pretty much gone, but it served the person who liked it very well, leading him recently into a CEO job of a major Fortune 50 company.
May we always call on the wisdom of those who came before and applied it before our very eyes.
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