Thursday, February 27, 2020

Chasing the rabbit, or is the rabbit chasing you?

          (E-letter distributed on 2-20-20)
Dear Clients and Colleagues: 
Let’s pause for a minute of obvious email reality: We live in a sea of content. Most is highly deletable, which spellcheck confuses with “delectable” for some odd reason. If you don’t know the source, chances are it goes straight to the trash bin. Some messages go in the bin anyway. My own brand was built largely on content, or what we used to call writing with a unique point of view on issues impacting executive-level leaders.

The imperative now is shared content, or something that you can pass along to others. Along those lines, consider the following for your own consumption, career path, board trajectory, etc. Or simply life, that ever changing thing that grows in importance when we realize a good bit is in the rear view mirror. 

If you’re still channeling your inner Elmer Fudd, then the following image and story (courtesy: Ken Boa’s Feb. teaching letter) may help straighten things out. Who doesn’t want to Finish Well? There’s not a trick answer: No one...


First of its kind

"The Garlington Report" (TGR) represents the first new media forum devoted exclusively to executive-level leadership from the talent and search points of view.

For regular readers, rest assured -- you will continue to find monthly Pointes and other content that you've grown accustomed to. Please also feel free to navigate back to the consultancy's URL at

Thanks for continuing to read, JG