Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weather Channel picks non-TVer as CEO

So one of Atlanta's hottest brands, okay, formerly hot media properties, The Weather Channel, has settled on a TV industry outsider as their new CEO.

According to the New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/21/business/media/21weather.html?_r=1&ref=business, former venture capital advisor and publisher Michael J. Kelly will now serve in the company's top leadership role.

Interesting choice for several reasons:
1.) Kelly has no real network or cable TV experience, which strongly suggests that The Weather Channel will now fully embrace status as an on-line brand vs. TV channel. How that impacts their advertiser-based business model will be worth watching. It's a lot harder to make money on-line than it is charging ad rates the old fashioned way.
2.) The split in partnership between two private equity firms and NBC Universal means everything from this decision to how the channel operates likely will be done via watered down consensus. This is a far cry from independent status when the brand became an icon for "weather weenies" far and wide.
3.) Speaking of watered down, the perception of Kelly as a back-up selection to their primary choice means the new CEO will have to move quickly with a new stamp on what's already under way. The company has had several rounds of official and unofficial layoffs, the first in their history. How new leadership manages to inject life into this brand will make or break its future. Oh, and an economic turnaround to boost ad sales might help, too.

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