Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pay to Patter

'Rahodeb' here. Ok, not really. Anyone still scratching their heads after reading the latest on Whole Foods' CEO? We're moving quickly from the issue of pay to patter. Here are some observations for your own edification:

1.) Patter matters. Ironically, digital communication now has a longer shelf life than print. Emails, IMs, Yahoo chat room postings (who has time?), you name it. All subject to ready search and fast distribution.
2.) To update an old saying, it's never the (crime) indiscretion, always the (cover-up) trail. 'Rahodeb' not alone by any stretch. High time flat footed Baby Boomer executives caught up to the realities of new media. Taking this point a step further...
3.) Digital Dumb doesn't provide a free pass to decline participation in the electronic age. Information is moving too fast for some figures, such as New Jersey Gov. Corzine, to start thinking he can claim privilege and everything will go back to the way it was before. Distinctions between official and personal don't wash publicly.

Before the Whole Foods situation explodes into a Paris-like cable news frenzy, here's the key question that their board needs to answer: When the antitrust comments first surfaced, why did the CEO (or did the CEO) fire back on his own blog? Did he know then the extent of what we all know now? And if so, then does that represent an omission that was voluntary or one endorsed by a privileged source such as a lawyer?

Better yet...Take these questions/answers and then measure against the company's stellar performance and cult-like brand status. Then and only then can the "Fire Mackey?" be deliberately answered.

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